About Me

 I am Victoria, born and raised in 1987 in Saarland, Germany, near the French border. After graduating from high school, I first studied business administration at Saarland University and graduated in 2011 with a degree in business administration. I then moved to Munich, where I worked in auditing for a year. I didn’t choose this city by chance – I deliberately wanted to go there and be close to the Alps. It very quickly became clear that the job wasn’t for me, which is why I reoriented myself and began studying art history at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, which I completed in 2018 with a Master of Arts. Alongside my studies, I worked in various galleries and museums, including the Deutsches Museum and Ketterer Kunst. Sounds like an almost straightforward career – not quite: I was always on the lookout and tried out a wide variety of jobs. Just doing one job was always too boring for me, I always had to learn and discover new things.

I have been fascinated by the mountains since I was a child. No vacation triggered more ecstasy in me than a skiing vacation. I painted my first mountain at the age of 2 – in the Alps, of course.

What I want to achieve with my art

In my opinion, art should be beautiful – not perfect. It should evoke positive feelings and emotions and motivate people to live a better, more enjoyable life.

For me, the mountains are a symbol of this: they are a place of longing and hope, they mean freedom, but also overcoming difficulties and sometimes trigger an indescribable humility in us.